5 ways to conquer morning sickness and feel great during your first trimester!

5 ways to Conquer Morning Sickness

The first trimester of pregnancy is an exciting time! Although it may not feel like you’re pregnant, there are a lot of changes going on:

  • your body builds more blood to support the baby
  • hormonal changes cause swelling in the lung (sometimes causing congestion and voice change)
  • your body uses 20% more oxygen and you breathe faster
  • You may feel tired and will need to sleep longer (this will generally normalize in the second trimester!)
  • There may be an increase in vaginal discharge, or even some bleeding (this can be normal but please contact your health care practitioner if you are worried)
  • And… as most people know, morning sickness is common

Nausea and vomiting are often the number one complaint in the first trimester. It affects about 80% of pregnant people! Morning sickness prevention or treatment should be part of a holistic nutritional plan to ensure the best health for both the parent and baby. There are a lot of good options for nausea, a few of which are listed below.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 at 25mg every 8 hours for up to 4 days should be effective at decreasing morning sickness. It can also be combined with some prescribed drugs to help with nausea and vomiting (always ask your doctor first!).

Safety: Vitamin B6 is considered “likely safe” in pregnancy when used appropriately. It is considered the first-line treatment for morning sickness by the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Nonetheless, it should only be used after consulting with your primary healthcare provider, as excessive doses long-term may cause harm.


Ginger is commonly used for nausea & vomiting and has shown to decrease the severity of morning sickness. Studies have shown that it is comparable to vitamin B6 or dramamine (a drug your doctor may recommend).

Safety: When taking anything in pregnancy, herb or not, it’s really important to check the safety data! Ginger is classified as “possibly safe” in pregnancy. Although there are few reports of adverse effects, the majority of data is very promising. A study on 1020 women who used ginger in their pregnancy, found that there was no fetal risks from taking ginger. This study, along with others, confirms the safety of ginger in pregnancy.

Acupressure / Acupuncture

The most common acupuncture point to treat nausea is “PC6”, which is on the forearm. Large scientific reviews have not found acupressure on this point only to be every effective, but a whole-body acupuncture treatment may help. If you are unable to see a naturopath or acupuncture for a treatment, DIY acupressure has no risks and might be useful for you. Try using firm pressure on PC6 and SP4 acupuncture points for 2-3 minutes twice a day. (Google pictures to find the location! PC6 is close to the wrist, and SP4 is on the inside of the foot.)


Sometimes eating certain foods can trigger morning sickness. Try avoiding fishy foods, foods with unfamiliar flavors, and any food aversions.
Instead, focus on eating nutritious, easy-to-digest foods like: milk, eggs, beans, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, or plums.
You should also focus on protein-rich snacks & meals. Snack as often as you need!


Homeopathic remedies can be really effective for morning sickness but the correct one must be used! A quick consult with your naturopath or with a homeopath can help you get the right remedy.

With these 5 tips, you should be able to conquer your morning sickness & feel much better!

Take care,

5 ways to conquer morning sickness now!


Ginger. (2018). Retrieved from,-herbs-supplements/professional.aspx?productid=961

Pregnancy – Trimester 1. (2019). Presentation, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Vitamin B6. (2018). Retrieved from,-herbs-supplements/professional.aspx?productid=934

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